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Pixel UI v2.0 Blogger Template Download

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 Pixel Ui is recreated blogger theme with the help of Median ui and Fletro pro.

Pixel UI Introduction

Hey, I am Rahul the creater of Pixel Ui, basically i used Median Ui & Plus Ui both to make a Theme for blogger that can fulfill my need that i want in blogger themes, I want to share this theme with you all for free to spread good vibes.

Pixel Ui v2.0 Blog Theme is one of the templates that load quickly. Because search engines like Google prioritize mobile indexing, the Pixel Ui v2.0 blogger template performs effectively on all platforms. That is why responsiveness is important for every website. Pixel Ui v2.0 blogger template includes all of these features.

Blogger's layout area may be used to customize the Pixel Ui v2.0 blogger template. Blogger theme modification allows you to modify the colors in this Pixel Ui v2.0 template. Furthermore, the totem and menu specifics of this design may be easily altered. Pixel Ui v2.0 Blogger Template comes with a lot of customization options that can be utilized without having to mess with HTML code.


- Fully Responsive
- Ads Ready
- Rating Widget
- Maintenance Mode
- Categories Post Widget
- Fully Customisable
- Fast Loading
- Preloder
- Translate & Darkmode Features
- Vibration Feature
- Cookie Concern
- Anti Ad Blocker
- Country Block
- Mode Switcher
- and many more....


Demo Download now

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Can You Sell This Theme?

No, the template can only be used for personal use. You are strictly prohibited to sell this template in any way, if you try to sell we will take officially strict action against you.

To Support Me!

If you want to create post/video then give the original download link with telegram channel link @Blogging375 this will help me 😊

About the Author

Hey There I am Rahul A Young Boy That Loves To Learn Coding, Gaming And Sharing Creations, Hope You Enjoyed Here!

8 تعليقات

  1. What new features you want in v2.5?
    1. bookmark and safelink 🙂
    2. post views
  2. Amazing theme i were using it from 2 weeks and i got adsense approval ❤️ thx to creating such a master piece and free of cost ❤️❤️
  3. Nice work 🥰
  4. great job sir 🙏❤️
  5. ❤️ just loved the design
  6. Thanks for amazing template 😊
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